Saturday 23 May 2009

Live Things That Were Live

Two of my final three modules involved doing something live. For the Radio module, we had to make a 12-15 minute-long radio package, involving an interview and such, and then perform it live. Me and Bing were the presenters, and we used the idea of a fictional robot uprising during a (different, also fictional) radio show we were doing to talk about the future of technology. We got some great voxpops from people as well as an interview with a robotics professor at the Uni. The original one also had the full soundscape we made earlier, but we cut it out for length.

Go go DJ Spock.

For the other assessment, the TV one, our entire group of 17 people had to make a 15 minute kid's TV show about a certain country. We picked China, and spent a ton of time researching and scripting and making sets and costumes and oh god we all nearly went insane.

It went like this:

Gareth as a panda is the best.

It went good. However, had we handed in this version I have no doubt we could have increased our marks tenfold:

Oh, Bing.

COMING SOON TO SKAG'S UP!: Guns and frisbees. Watch this space.

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