Monday 20 July 2009


This update has been a long time coming, but with Cakebomb back up I feel it's about time I made it.

Back in April famous internet man TomSka, who I've mentioned before in this blog, mentioned an idea for a film he had, but also that he was having trouble writing a script for it as he wasn't a big screenplay person. I was also mentioning at the time how I wanted to get more into writing. Amy, who was with us at the time, put two and two together and before I knew it I was writing the script for Standoffish. After numerous drafts where characters were added, then taken out, and the plot was completely overhauled, we were ready for shooting.

It was a fun, grueling day, full of shooting the exact same scenes many times from different angles. Again and again and again....and again. Luckily it was really fun and other than having to hide when police cars drove past outside, it went off without a hitch. We left happy with our work. And then realised we'd forgotten to film the very last shot.

This is what I look like when I'm sitting down and the camera's behind me and also a shotgun.

Overall, I'm incredibly proud of the finished product. We also entered it into the Virgin Media Shorts competition, and you can watch on and vote for it on their website by clicking here. You have to sign up, but you guys all love me so much that it shouldn't be a problem, right?

In other news, Projectorheads now has a full website! It's being regularly updated with news and reviews. I recently saw Lars von Trier's controversial Antichrist and wrote a review for it there. Be sure to check it out as it's something we all would really like to get attention.

Not much on the horizon at the moment, unfortunately, as it's the summer. Come September, I'll be back at Uni and Bing/TomSka will be here so things are more likely to happen. It's entirely possibly that a sitcom based on the Standoffish flat is on its way...BUT I DIDN'T TELL YOU THAT SHH

Thanks for reading!

Standoffish pics from here

TomSka's blog about Standoffish on Cakebomb

Guns were supplied by these guys. They are cool cats.

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