Friday 28 November 2008


I'm writing this in the early hours of Friday morning because tomorrow is probably gonna be busy-ish, but more on that later!

Tuesday night was when we started filming "Choices", and, of course, as well as controlling the camera and writing down a ton of timestamp thingies I managed to take my own behind the scenes pics!

Denise sorts out the camera. I probably would have helped, but I was too busy taking this picture for you lovely people.

Denise directs Lou (Who we cast for the part, btw! I meant to get a pic, but I forgot) and looks like a common prostitute.

Jenny has the time of her LIFE recording sound.

A shot.....OF a shot? Oh, fourth wall, consider yourself broken!

All in all, it went well. We didn't get too much done, but we got a lot of great shots from a lot of different angles, which will make editing really cool, and there were no massive problems! Quite a few homeless people, though.

The morning after that, I went down to the Uni's photo studio and met up with Bing and Tom. They took some pictures for Bing's photography project, and then used the rest of the time they had taking a massive amount of pics of them for the up-and-coming Cakebomb design. Obviously the individual ones the other took, but what could they do when it came to pics of them together??? Enter BOWN:

Someone photoshop sunglasses into this pic plz.

Tom was going for a bit part in the live-action "Dragonball" movie, apparently. Bing just looks like the world's worst zombie.

Yes, this was meant to be a high-five. A successful version of this shot exists, I believe.

....also they took some pics of me.

I really wish I'd shaved now. You can find more of these pics, and in much higher quality, at Bing's Cakebomb blog right here!

Earlier on today I (finally) went back home and took some pictures of parts of my house for my upcoming second storyboard. These have to be finished for sooner than I thought, so my deadline is pretty tight. I have Photoshop and After Effects on my laptop now, though, which will help immensely.

Here are the pics!

(Random side-note: I LOVE this pic. It's so Twin Peaks.)

Those pics will be drawn over and edited to hell and such. It'll probably look pretty shocking, as my drawing skills are ridiculously lacking.

That's all for now! Tomorrow, if all goes well, I should be starting my own Photography project, where I remake films very, very cheaply. Pics from that will, as always, be up soon.

1 comment:

Dom said...

I've fully done that sunglasses pic myself. Tis cool.

And I wish my house looked like Laura Palmer's, and I was being raped by Bob, and - actually wait. No I don't.